All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Listen to the Story, then Read & Answer. 


Once upon a time, in a bustling kingdom, there lived a humble cobbler named Thomas. Despite his meager earnings, Thomas was content with his simple life. One day, a wealthy merchant passed through the town, adorned in lavish attire and carrying bags of gold. Seeing the merchant's opulence, Thomas couldn't help but feel envious.

Determined to attain wealth and luxury, Thomas abandoned his cobbler's shop and set off on a journey in search of riches. Along the way, he encountered many opportunities that seemed promising, but each time he was disappointed. He worked for greedy merchants who exploited him, invested in schemes that failed, and even gambled away what little money he had left.

Exhausted and penniless, Thomas eventually returned to his hometown, realizing that true wealth was not found in material possessions but in the simple joys of life—like the warmth of friendship, the satisfaction of honest work, and the love of family.

From then on, Thomas embraced his role as a cobbler with gratitude, cherishing the lessons he had learned. And though he may not have possessed gold, his heart was richer for having discovered the true treasures of life.


  1. What motivated Thomas to leave his cobbler's shop and search for wealth?

  • A) His desire to explore new places

  • B) Envy of the wealthy merchant's lifestyle

  • C) Boredom with his current job

  • D) A dream he had about finding treasure

  1. What did Thomas learn during his journey for wealth?

  • A) Material possessions bring lasting happiness

  • B) True wealth lies in honest work and simple joys

  • C) Gambling is a reliable way to earn money

  • D) Greed is the key to success

  1. Why did Thomas return to his hometown empty-handed?

  • A) He found the treasure he was seeking

  • B) He realized the futility of his pursuit of wealth

  • C) He lost all his money in a failed investment

  • D) He decided to start a new business

  1. What were the true treasures that Thomas discovered?

  • A) Gold and jewels

  • B) Friendship, honest work, and family love

  • C) Expensive possessions

  • D) Fame and recognition

  1. What lesson can be learned from Thomas's story?

  • A) Material wealth is the only measure of success

  • B) True happiness comes from within, not from external riches

  • C) It's important to always pursue wealth, regardless of the cost

  • D) Money can solve all of life's problems

1. B) Envy of the wealthy merchant's lifestyle 2. B) True wealth lies in honest work and simple joys 3. B) He realized the futility of his pursuit of wealth 4. B) Friendship, honest work, and family love 5. B) True happiness comes from within, not from external riches


  1. Essential English words unlock clear communication.
  2. Quizzes and  tests strengthen your memory, making them stick.
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  4. Mastering them builds confidence in using new vocabulary.
  5. Quizzes highlight tricky words you might miss otherwise.
  6. The more you play, the easier it gets to learn new words.
  7. It's like a fun workout for your brain, keeping it sharp.
  8. Improved vocabulary opens doors to better jobs and studies.
  9. So quiz away, and watch your English skills soar!

  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 32 
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 35
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: XV
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 36
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 37
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 38
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 39
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 40
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  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 42
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 43
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 43
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  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 49
  • Essential Vocabulary Quiz: 50
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Healthy Weight Loss Recipes 2

Here are a few more healthy and weight-loss-friendly recipes for you:

  1. Turkey and Vegetable Skillet: Brown lean ground turkey in a skillet with onions, garlic, and your favorite spices. Add in chopped vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, and spinach, and cook until tender. Serve over cooked quinoa or brown rice.

  1. Zucchini Noodles with Pesto: Use a spiralizer to turn zucchini into noodles, then sauté them in a pan with a bit of olive oil until just tender. Toss with homemade or store-bought pesto sauce and cherry tomatoes for a light and flavorful meal. 

  1. Cauliflower Fried Rice: Pulse cauliflower florets in a food processor until they resemble rice grains. Sauté the cauliflower "rice" with diced carrots, peas, green onions, and a scrambled egg. Season with soy sauce and sesame oil for a healthier version of fried rice.

  1. Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer non-fat Greek yogurt with fresh berries, sliced bananas, and a sprinkle of granola or crushed nuts for a satisfying and protein-packed breakfast or snack.

  1. Baked Stuffed Bell Peppers: Cut the tops off bell peppers and remove the seeds and membranes. Stuff with a mixture of cooked quinoa, black beans, corn, diced tomatoes, and spices. Bake until the peppers are tender and the filling is heated through.

These recipes are not only nutritious and delicious but also designed to help support your weight-loss goals. Enjoy experimenting in the kitchen!


Healthy Wright Loss Recipes: 1

Weight Loss Recipes


Weight Loss Recipes

  1. Grilled Chicken Salad: Marinate chicken breasts in a mix of olive oil, lemon juice, and herbs, then grill until cooked through. Serve over a bed of mixed greens with cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, and a light vinaigrette.

  2. Veggie Stir-Fry: Sauté colorful vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and snap peas in a non-stick pan with a small amount of olive oil. Add in some tofu or lean protein of your choice, along with a splash of low-sodium soy sauce or teriyaki sauce.

  3. Quinoa Salad: Cook quinoa according to package instructions and let it cool. Mix it with diced veggies like cucumber, bell pepper, red onion, and cherry tomatoes. Add in some chopped fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro, and dress with a light vinaigrette or lemon juice.

  4. Baked Salmon with Roasted Vegetables: Season salmon fillets with salt, pepper, and lemon zest, then bake in the oven until cooked through. Serve with roasted vegetables such as asparagus, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes tossed in olive oil and herbs.

  5. Lentil Soup: Sauté onions, carrots, and celery in a pot until softened, then add in dried lentils, vegetable broth, diced tomatoes, and your favorite herbs and spices. Simmer until the lentils are tender and serve hot.

Remember to watch your portion sizes and choose lean protein sources and healthy fats to keep your meals balanced and satisfying while reducing weight. Enjoy!

Correct the Following Incorrect Sentences: 1.


Correct the following incorrect sentences: 1. 

  1. Incorrect: She don't like to eat vegetables.

  2. Incorrect: I have went to the store yesterday.

  3. Incorrect: The cat laid on the bed.

  4. Incorrect: They're are going to the movies tonight.

  5. Incorrect: He's never been to Canada, isn't it?

  6. Incorrect: We was planning to go to the beach tomorrow.

  7. Incorrect: She asked me to borrow her car.

  8. Incorrect: Each of the students were given a book.

  9. Incorrect: I'm not use to waking up early.

  10. Incorrect: She speaks fluently French.

  11. Incorrect: They're going to they're house for the weekend.

  12. Incorrect: The cake looked good, but it didn't taste good.

  13. Incorrect: I'm excited to meet all of your family.

  14. Incorrect: She said she would lay down for a nap.

  15. Incorrect: They have been waiting for you since two hours.

  16. Incorrect: The teacher told me to quiet down.

  17. Incorrect: The dog had ran away from home.

  18. Incorrect: The team is playing good tonight.

  19. Incorrect: He's the taller person I've ever seen.

  20. Incorrect: The car needs washed.

1. Correct: She doesn't like to eat vegetables. 2. Correct: I went to the store yesterday. 3. Correct: The cat lay on the bed. 4. Correct: They are going to the movies tonight. 5. Correct: He's never been to Canada, has he? 6. Correct: We were planning to go to the beach tomorrow. 7. Correct: She asked me to lend her car. 8. Correct: Each of the students was given a book. 9. Correct: I'm not used to waking up early. 10. Correct: She speaks French fluently. 11. Correct: They're going to their house for the weekend. 12. Correct: The cake looked good, but it didn't taste well. 13. Correct: I'm excited to meet all of your family members. 14. Correct: She said she would lie down for a nap. 15. Correct: They have been waiting for you for two hours. 16. Correct: The teacher told me to quieten down. 17. Correct: The dog had run away from home. 18. Correct: The team is playing well tonight. 19. Correct: He's the tallest person I've ever seen. 20. Correct: The car needs to be washed.

Electronic Waste / Humans vs AI / Robots vs Teacher

Electronic Waste and Environmental Pollution:

  1. The rampant proliferation of electronic devices in our modern world has led to a concerning surge in electronic waste (e-waste), contributing significantly to environmental pollution. As consumers continually upgrade to newer models, older devices are often discarded, ending up in landfills or incinerators. These electronic products contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into soil and water, posing serious health risks to both humans and wildlife. Furthermore, improper disposal practices, including informal recycling methods prevalent in many developing countries, exacerbate the problem by releasing toxic chemicals into the air and contaminating ecosystems. Addressing the issue of e-waste requires comprehensive strategies that encompass sustainable design, responsible consumption, efficient recycling, and proper disposal methods to mitigate its adverse environmental impacts.

Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), the essence of being human takes on new dimensions as technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate. While AI offers immense potential for enhancing productivity, efficiency, and convenience across various sectors, it also raises profound questions about human identity, ethics, and societal implications. As we delegate more tasks to intelligent machines and algorithms, it becomes imperative to reaffirm and preserve the distinct qualities that define our humanity, such as empathy, creativity, moral reasoning, and emotional intelligence. Embracing AI responsibly involves cultivating a harmonious coexistence between humans and machines, where technology serves as a tool to augment human capabilities rather than replace them, fostering a future where innovation and compassion intersect to create meaningful progress for all.

Should a robot replace the human teacher?

  1. While advancements in robotics and AI offer promising opportunities to revolutionize education, a robot should not entirely replace the human teacher. Human teachers bring a unique set of qualities and abilities that go beyond the mere dissemination of information. They provide emotional support, empathy, encouragement, and personalized guidance, which are essential for fostering holistic development and nurturing individual talents. Moreover, human teachers possess the capacity to adapt their teaching methods based on students' diverse needs, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds, fostering inclusive and engaging learning environments. While robots can assist in tasks such as grading assignments, providing supplemental instruction, or offering additional practice exercises, the irreplaceable human touch in education is indispensable for fostering critical thinking, creativity, social skills, and ethical values essential for students to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Thus, the integration of technology should complement rather than supplant the role of human educators in the classroom.

In an easy way

Electronic Waste and Environmental Pollution:

  1. Throwing away old phones and computers makes a big mess for the environment. These devices have dangerous stuff inside them that can hurt people and animals if they're not thrown away properly. We need to find better ways to get rid of old electronics without hurting the Earth.

Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Even though robots can do lots of cool things, humans are still special. We have feelings, imagination, and kindness that robots don't. It's important to use robots to help us, not replace us, so we can keep being ourselves and use technology in a good way.

Should a robot replace the human teacher?

  1. Robots can help teachers with some tasks, but they can't do everything a human teacher can. Teachers care about students and understand them in ways robots can't. We need human teachers to teach us not just facts, but also how to think, feel, and be good people.

Reflexive Pronouns


Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that refer back to the subject of the sentence and are used to indicate that someone or something performs an action on itself. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," "yourselves," and "themselves." For instance, in the sentence "She taught herself how to play the guitar," "herself" is a reflexive pronoun referring back to "she," indicating that she performed the action on herself.

  1. Usage: Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same entity, emphasizing the action is performed by the subject on itself.

  2. Formation: Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding "-self" (singular) or "-selves" (plural) to the pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

  3. Examples:

    • I cut myself while cooking dinner.

    • He talks to himself when he's nervous.

    • She found herself lost in the forest.

    • The cat cleaned itself after playing outside.

    • We need to remind ourselves to buy groceries.

    • You should be proud of yourselves for completing the project.

    • They congratulated themselves on their achievement.

  4. Placement: Reflexive pronouns usually come directly after the subject or after an object pronoun, if one exists. For example:

    • She washed herself. (Reflexive pronoun after the subject)

    • They congratulated themselves. (Reflexive pronoun without an object pronoun)

    • He reminded himself of the meeting. (Reflexive pronoun after an object pronoun)

  5. Intensive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns can also function as intensive pronouns to add emphasis to a noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, they are not essential to the sentence's meaning. For example:

    • She herself saw the accident. (Intensive pronoun emphasizing "she")

    • We ourselves completed the entire project. (Intensive pronoun emphasizing "we")

Remember, reflexive pronouns are used to show that the action of the verb reflects back onto the subject itself. 

Check Your Understanding

Reflexive Pronouns Test: 1

  1. Which sentence uses a reflexive pronoun correctly?

  • A) She gave myself a gift.

  • B) He bought herself a new phone.

  • C) They enjoyed theirselves at the party.

  • D) We need to remind ourselves to call Grandma.

  1. Identify the sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun usage:

  • A) He made the cake by himself.

  • B) She bought a new dress for himselves.

  • C) They cooked dinner by theirselves.

  • D) I cleaned the room for yourself.

  1. Choose the sentence that does NOT use a reflexive pronoun correctly:

  • A) The cat cleaned itself.

  • B) She hurted herself while skating.

  • C) They painted the house by themselves.

  • D) He talked to himself in the mirror.

  1. Which sentence contains an error in the use of reflexive pronouns?

  • A) They congratulated themselves on their success.

  • B) He talks to him in the mirror.

  • C) She cooked dinner by herself.

  • D) We enjoyed ourselves at the concert.

  1. Select the sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun placement:

  • A) She prepared by herself for the exam.

  • B) They finished the project by themselves.

  • C) We need to remind to ourselves about the meeting.

  • D) He bought a gift for hisself.

  1. Which sentence demonstrates the appropriate use of a reflexive pronoun?

  • A) We saw they at the store.

  • B) She prepared the presentation by she.

  • C) He corrected himself after making a mistake.

  • D) They went to the party by them.

  1. Identify the sentence with the incorrect reflexive pronoun usage:

  • A) She baked the cake by herself.

  • B) They celebrated theirselves at the festival.

  • C) He repaired the car by himself.

  • D) We enjoyed ourselves at the beach.

  1. Which sentence contains the correct reflexive pronoun placement?

  • A) He completed the task by himself.

  • B) They decided to go theirselves.

  • C) She prepared the meal for her.

  • D) We enjoyed the movie by ourselves.

  1. Choose the sentence where the reflexive pronoun is used correctly:

  • A) She took the blame for himself.

  • B) They fixed the problem by themselves.

  • C) We found the solution for ourselves.

  • D) He bought a gift for herself.

  1. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of a reflexive pronoun?

  • A) She saw himself in the mirror.

  • B) They laughed at theirselves.

  • C) We painted the walls by ourselves.D

  • D) He talked to herself quietly.

1. Answer: D) We need to remind ourselves to call Grandma. 2. Answer: A) He made the cake by himself. 3. Answer: B) She hurted herself while skating. 4. Answer: B) He talks to him in the mirror. 5. Answer: B) They finished the project by themselves. 6. Answer: C) He corrected himself after making a mistake. 7. Answer: B) They celebrated theirselves at the festival. 8. Answer: A) He completed the task by himself. 9. Answer: B) They fixed the problem by themselves. 10. Answer: C) We painted the walls by ourselves.

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